“Marikkar- Lion of Arabian Sea” is a Megastar Mohanlal acted and Priyadarshan directed, new multilingual movie hit on silver screen , a major release during the pandemic, early in the month of December and boasted with a budget of Rs 100 Crore. Being a movie lover, I was also keen on watching the movie on big screen as I too had fed up with too much movies on TV. However, though I was keen to watch the movie of the director who directed the magnificent movie “Kalapani”, on big screen, I kept a pause on my plan to go to a theatre after going through the trolls, which contains distressing and devastating negative comments about the making and quality of the said movie. The trolls were mostly of same language and coming down heavily on the movie in the form of harsh criticisms and body shaming , which is adequate enough to hold back normal audience from visiting the theaters. So, I too had dropped the plan to go for the movie as it will be very difficult to waste three hours in dark to watch a boring movie. Last day, being bored by sitting at home, we decided to watch a movie and Marikkar came up as an obvious choice. With lot apprehensions in mind but with very low level of expectations, I, along with my family, bought the tickets and had decided to test our level of patience. But to my surprise, the movie was spectacular and was a visual treat with its “gladiator “ kind of making. I loved the movie, its making and the emotional way of the story telling. Hats off to Mr. Priyadarshan!. While watching the movie, I was thinking about the reason for the negative reviews and body shaming trolls that were flushing into social media pages and had wondered about the mindset of those who created it. Weren’t they more fanatic and fascist than sarcastic? Weren’t they more destructive than critical?