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Framers, let’s fragment the Farmers! They are our vote banks!


Updated: Dec 5, 2020

My dear political colleagues,

This is a golden opportunity for us to gain back the lost confidence. We shall have to use all these opportunities to win back the hearts of those who does not have much brains to think! Friends, fear is the most effective tool to gain control over the weaker to make them the weakest. A good mixture of fear added with a pinch of insecurity and then softly stirring it with communal spoons will make the job of the politicians very easy, especially when the large chunk of the society is illiterate and poor. To become more successful, the political chefs have to make sure that, the correct taste is not being passed on to the right persons at right time, so that they will remain as puppets in their hands for quite a long time.

The story is not different in the matter of Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020, The Farmer’s Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020, The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020, the new legislations that are passed by parliament recently. We, should not disclose them the truth that, Farmers, who are the real beneficiaries of the said legislations, will be able to sell their products outside their Mandi and thereby get more bigger markets for their products, so that, they will always remain as our vote banks. We will keep it confidential that, we had opposed the liberalisation of India in 1991, when Rajiv Gandhi had tried to open up our economy to the World and we shall, like Ostriches, keep our heads beneath the soil, when the News of India becoming the 5th largest economy of the World in being announced. We shall not remind our followers that there is nothing in India, we had opposed to at first instance.

Though India, a country with huge agrarian populace, have an economy driven by the Farmers, and most of them are ploughing their lives below poverty line, we should not let them understand the benefits of entering into contract farming by joining hands with Corporates. Instead, we shall propagate that, Corporate giants shall loot them and keep them underneath their boots, whereas we shall put masks over our heads, when, we the politicians are licking the boots of the Corporate Leaders for getting the larger chunk of the bread crumps they are throwing through their windows.

We shall not let the farmers know the benefits of price discovery mechanism and the legal protection assured under the Act for the contracts that are being entered into with the Corporate. We shall not reveal the fact that, Corporate tie-ups shall give them more negotiation power, more sophisticated supply chains, better storage spaces, huge export potential and not less than the guaranteed price for their products, instead shall strive to teach them that, the new legislations will deprive them from all freedom, which they think they are having now. We shall misinterpret and distort that fact that the new legislations allows intra-state and inter-state trade of farmers’ produce outside the physical premises of market yards run by market committees formed under the state APMC Acts and other markets notified under the state APMC Acts, so that they will always remain in our leashes.

We shall propagate and preach that, amendment to Essential Commodities Act is to help conglomerates, whereas we know that the said amendment is essential for the effective implementation of the Farmer’s Act. We shall not let them know that, the new legislation is providing huge opportunity for an electronic trading and transaction platform to facilitate the direct and online buying and selling of such produce through electronic devices and internet, so that, all the growth shall remain with the urban people and the poor farmers will always remain as poor. We shall project that, the Governments of Punjab and Haryana are against the legislations as they are more farmer friendly though we know that, the said states are objecting it as they are losing huge revenue on account of the facility that are being given to farmers to sell their products outside their states!

So let us prevent them from seeing the truth, as their blindness will give us more freedom to loot even in daylight.

Thanking you

Your One and only well-wisher

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