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Form 12BB of the current year (Previous year 20-21 / AY 21-22) to be submitted
Verify the bank account details
All the claimants are requested to verify the details of their bank account and report the changes , if any, on or before 15th March, 2021. The details are available in the below given link. If you are changing the Bank account, a cancelled Cheque leaf with name of the claimant on it along with a request letter duly signed by the Claimant to be forwarded to below given address by Courier/Registered Post. If the cheque leaf with name is not available , then a self attested copy of the bank statement in the name of the Applicant may also be submitted. If the name in the Cheque leaf/bank statement differs from the name on the Claim form, then it shall not be considered as a valid. Please mention the Claim ID on the request letter.
Penny drop transfer initiated to the bank accounts
As part of verification of the bank account details, we had initiated a "penny drop transfer" of Rs. 1/- to bank accounts all the 639 claimants, on 21-May-2021. If your account is not credited with Rs.1/- from PVS Memorial Hospital Private Limited, your bank account details might have some error in it. In that case, please write to with correct bank account details and IFSC Code.
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